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• LUMINIUM BOOKS is dedicated to drawing the attention to the spiritual teachings of Bô Yin Râ and to ensuring the availability thereof in the English language.
Occasionally it may be useful for the enhancement of these objectives to publish in other languages.

LUMINIUM BOOKS is responsible for the following websites:


LUMINIUM BOOKS is responsible for the following books by Bô Yin Râ:

• Hortus Conclusus, The “Enclosed Garden”, comprising all thirty-two books
of the Complete Teaching

(revised 2021 edition, printed on thin paper, ca 1200 pages
22x15x3cm, 9”x6”x1”, with 20 full color plates).


The Book of the Royal Art (First part of the Hortus Conclusus)
The Book on The Living God (Second part of the Hortus Conclusus)
The Book on the Beyond (Third part of the Hortus Conclusus)
The Book On Man (Fourth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
The Book On Happiness (Fifth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
The Path To God (Sixth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
The Book Of Love (Seventh part of the Hortus Conclusus)
The Book Of Comfort (Eighth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
The Book of Dialogues (Ninth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
The Secret (Tenth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
The Wisdom of John (Eleventh part of the Hortus Conclusus)
Showing the way (Twelfth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
Spectre of Freedom (Thirteenth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
Path of my Pupils (Fourteenth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
The Mystery of Golgotha (Fifteenth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
Cult-Magic and Myth (Sixteenth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
The Meaning Of Life (Seventeenth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
More Light (Eighteenth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
High Goal (Nineteenth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
Resurrection (Twentieth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
Worlds (Twenty-first part of the Hortus Conclusus)
Psalms (Twenty-second part of the Hortus Conclusus)
Marriage (Twenty-third part of the Hortus Conclusus)
On Prayer (Twenty-fourth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
Spirit and form (Twenty-fifth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
Scintillae Mantra Practice (Twenty-sixth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
Words of Life (Twenty-seventh part of the Hortus Conclusus)
Above the Everyday (Twenty-eight part of the Hortus Conclusus)
Eternal Reality (Twenty-ninth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
Scintillae Mantra Practice (Thirtieth part of the Hortus Conclusus)
Letters to one and many (Thirty-first part of the Hortus Conclusus)
Hortus Conclusus (Thirty -second part of the Hortus Conclusus)



• Jesus Christ, Discourses on his life and his teaching,
A compilation from the Hortus Conclusus by Bô Yin Râ
illustrated on paper


Section I
Chapter 1 The Luminary’s earthly path
First intermezzo On the birth of Jesus
Second intermezzo On the Virgin
Third intermezzo On the Logos and John the Baptist
Fourth intermezzo On the Sermon of the Mount
and on the Parables

Chapter 2 The aftermath
Epilogue Easter night

Chapter 3 The great man of love
First prologue On the Brotherhood of Jesus Christ
Second prologue At the root of all religions
Third prologue On those who seek
Intermezzo Golgota

Chapter 4 Portrait of the Master
Epilogue The Journey

Section II
Chapter 5 The teaching
First prologue On Love
Second prologue The Redeemer
Part one The Father
Part two The Son of The Father
Part three The Paraclete
Part four On equality before God
Intermezzo On the mystery of praying

Section III
Chapter 6 The Brother and the Brotherhood
after the order after Melchisedec
Prologue The Luminaries of the original Light
Part one The tabernacle of God with men
Part two The Light dwells in the east
Part three On the spiritual community
Part four The Master of Nazareth
Part five The mystery of Golgotha
Part six Jesus Christ
Bible References

• Jesus Christ, Abhandlungen über sein Leben und seine Lehre, illustriert
eine Kompilation aus dem Hortus Conclusus by Bô Yin Râ, illustriert


Abschnitt I
Kapitel 1 Der Erdenweg des Leuchtenden
Erstes Zwischenspiel Von der Geburt Jesu
Zweites Zwischenspiel Von der Jungfrau
Drittes Zwischenspiel Vom Logos und vom Johannes der Täufer
Viertes Zwischenspiel Von der Bergpredigt und die Parabel

Kapitel 2 Der Ausklang
Nachspiel Osternacht

Kapitel 3 Der größte Liebende
Erstes Vorspiel Von der Bruderschaft des Jesus Christus
Zweites Vorspiel Vom Urgrund der Religionen
Drittes Vorspiel Vom Sucher
Zwischenspiel Golgota

Kapitel 4 Das Bild des Meisters
Nachspiel Die Wanderung

Abschnitt II
Kapitel 5 Die Lehre
Erstes Vorspiel Von der Liebe
Zweites Vorspiel Der Erlöser
Ester Teil Der Vater
Zweiter Teil Der Sohn des Vaters
Dritter Teil Der Paraklet
Vierter Teil Von der Gleichheit vor Gott
Zwischenspiel Das Mysterium des Betens

Abschnitt III
Kapitel 6 Der Bruder und die Bruderschaft
Vorspiel Die Leuchtenden des Urlichtes
Ester Teil ‘Die Hütte Gottes bei den Menschen’
Zweiter Teil Im Osten wohnt das Licht
Dritter Teil Von der geistigen Vereinigung
Vierter Teil Der Meister von Nazareth
Funfter Teil Das Mysterium von Golgatha
Sechster Teil Jesus Christus

• The Enigma of Megalithic Remains –an elucidatory essay –  
Illustrated, on paper by Drs Taco van der Plaats

The Enigma of Megalithic Remains.

Table of content

Introduction and the paintings
The cults performed in the megalithic sanctuaries
When the animal was sufficiently developed to receive man
The “new man’s” habitat
The megalithic structures
Making use of the landscape
Before entering a megalithic site
Myth and reality
Exposition of Megalithic constructions and engravings in stone, paintings by
Bô Yin Râ, and some resembling well known Christian features.
Illumination --- Gavrinis
Seraphim and World’s Dawn --- Mên-an-Tol
Om mani padme hum --- Gavrinis
The Cathedral (der DOM ) --- Stonehenge
Blissfulness --- the Carnac Alignments
Awakening of the soul --- le Manio
The hallowed sign --- passage graves
Guardians --- Menhirs
Lux In Tenebris / Light In The Darkness --- Sundial Stone In Knowth
Ascension into the Light --- Locmariaquer
Some Selected Motives
Seeds of Life
Festive Union
Illumination --- Gavrinis
Emerging --- Issuing --- Reciprocating
On The Threshold Of Initiation --- The Isolated Menhir
The Sounding Light
Florian’s Drawings


• L’Énigme des vestiges mégalithiques – un essai éclaircissant – 
Illustrée, papier, de Drs Taco van der Plaats, 

L’énigme des vestiges mégalithiques

Table des matières

Introduction et tableaux
Les cultes pratiqués dans les sanctuaires mégalithiques
Lorsque l’animal était suffisamment développé pour recevoir l’homme
L’habitat du “nouvel homme ”
Les structures mégalithiques
Faire usage du paysage
Avant d’entrer dans un site mégalithique
Mythe et réalité
Exposition de constructions mégalithiques et de gravures dans la pierre, de peintures
de Bô Yin Râ, et d’autres attributs ressemblant aux traits chrétiens bien connus.
Illumination --- Gavrinis
Séraphins et l’aube du monde --- Mên-an-Tol
Om mani padme hum --- Gavrinis
La cathédrale (der DOM ) --- Stonehenge
Les Bienheureux --- les alignements de Carnac
L’éveil de l’âme --- le Manio
Le signe sanctifié --- dolmens à galerie
Gardiens --- Menhirs
Lux In Tenebris /Lumière dans les ténèbres--- Cadran Solaire de pierre à Knowth
Ascension dans la lumière --- Locmariaquer
Quelques motifs choisis
Semences de vie
Union festive
Illumination --- Gavrinis
Émergence --- Émission --- Réciprocation
Au seuil de l’initiation --- Le menhir isolé
La lumière sonnante
Dessins de Florian


• The enigma of of Melchizedek, an elucidatory essay, illustrated
On paper, by Drs Taco van der Plaats

Table of content

Melchizedek Introduction
Melchizedek in the Bible
- in the Old Testament in Genesis
- in the Old Testament in Psalms
- In the New Testament in Hebrews
Melchizedek in the Dead Sea Scrolls
Melchizedek in the Nag Hammedi Library.
Melchizedek in the arts
Melchizedek and The Luminaries
Who is Bô Yin Râ?
And to Conclude


• Das Rätsel von Melchizedek, eine aufklärende Abhandlung, illustriert
Papier, von Drs Taco van der Plaats


Melchisedek Einführung
Melchisedek in der Bibel
- im Alten Testament inin der 1.Mose
- im Alten Testament in den Psalmen
- Im Neuen Testament im Hebräerbrief
Melchisedek in den Schriftrollen vom Toten Meer
Melchisedek in der Nag–Hammadi-Bibliothek
Melchisedek in der Kunst
Melchisedek und die Leuchtenden
Wer ist Bô Yin Râ?
Und zum Schluss


Bô Yin Râ